I am Limithron.
That’s Sindarin for “Light Wizard”.
I have been fascinated with swashbucklers and the Golden Age of Piracy ever since I first rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride when I was 4. I’ve played every version of Sid Meier’s Pirates! and have achieved 100% completion in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. To me, The Secret of Monkey Island is more like a way of life than a computer game. In 2006 I won a tournament playing WizKids’ Pirates of the Spanish Main Constructible Strategy Game.
I clearly have a thing for pirates. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the idea of adventures on the tropical seas? The mystery of buried treasure? In case you needed proof, below is 30+ years of photographic evidence.
Mondo Gecko, Talk Like a Pirate Day, 2010 (That’s me on the right)
I went to Berklee College of Music for Guitar, and for a while after I graduated, I toured around with my wacky jam band, Mondo Gecko. Every year on September 19th, International-Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day, we’d do a pirate themed show. Above is song I wrote about Indiana Jones, pirates, and the Holy Grail.
I’m also a concert lighting designer. Here’s my company: The Light Side LLC. Right now I work with Dopapod, an incredible progressive rock jam band, and The Smashing Pumpkins, one of my absolute favorite bands growing up.
When COVID hit, I had to find something else to spend all my insane workaholic creative energy on, and it turns out that “drawing pirate ships for Dungeons & Dragons” was that thing.
So now I make pirate ships and light concerts for a living. When people tell you “get a real job,” kindly and politely tip your tricorne hat, hoist your colors, and plot your own damn course. Remember:
Treasure is real, you just have to have the will (and a good map) to find it…
Halloween, 1990 (my brother on the left)
Birthday, 1993. Best. Lego. Set. Ever.
Disney World, 2000. I forgot my costume.
GenCon 2006. I beat that kid on the right using his own ships. I still feel bad about that, but I gave him some of the prizes.
Talk Like a Pirate Day, 2010