A campaign setting for PIRATE BORG, OSE, and 5e. Inspired by history, fantasy, horror, and rum.
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The year is 1715, and the Caribbean is a tropical paradise… overshadowed by morbid times.
THE DARK CARIBBEAN is a campaign setting with regional and port maps, factions, NPCs, and plot hooks. It will also include extensive tables and generators for biomes, maritime travel, treasure maps, quests, and plot hooks. Inspired by projects like Andrew Kolb’s Neverland and Swordfish Islands’s The Dark of Hotsprings Island, it’s less of an “adventure module” and more of a sandbox world for you and your players to explore, discover, and make your own. The book will feature creature and ship statistics for both Pirate Borg and OSR systems like B/X and OSE, and there will be a separate bestiary of 5th Edition creatures and ships.
A grimdark, historically inspired fantasy campaign setting with lots of pirates and undead
RIYL: Grimdark, Pirates of the Caribbean, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, H.P. Lovecraft, The Darkest Dungeon, Sea of Thieves, Army of Darkness, and Indiana Jones.
Target Launch date - 2024
Based on years of worldbuilding and research.
Hardcover (8”x 10”)
major port/town locations, plus minor locations - Nassau, Port Royal, Tortuga, Havana, Atlantis, El Dorado, Fountain of Youth.
Random locations with maps and/or handouts, perfect for side quests, encounters, puzzles, or treasure hunts
Factions with a slew of unique NPCs, many inspired by history, but others that are fantasy in nature.
Bestiary with monsters tailor-made for the setting with streamlined stat blocks.
Random tables for loot, treasure hunting, maritime travel, and quests.
Deep in the Caribbean…
The Viceroyalty of New Spain and British Empire are at war, fighting over the region's treasures and trade routes, while the French Republic play both sides with a clandestine network of spies and assassins. In the Bahamas, an alliance of pirates and cutthroats known as The Brethren of the Coast have overtaken the town of Nassau. Their new magistrate is the dread pirate BLACKBEARD.
All the while, rumors are spreading. Occult rituals, arcane incantations, and the prayers of monks and missionaries have immediate and tangible results that cannot be explained with science. Old magic is more than a thing of legend in this place..
Behind the scenes, a covert cult known only as The Wretched conspires to summon dark creatures from the deep, while the mysterious native nation of Mesoa lies in wait, vowing to protect the seas from these new adversaries. But these are just the forces of life that inhabit these waters…
Rafts overflowing with ravenous zombies drift upon the waves, satiated only by human flesh. Evil hoards of skeletons, puppeted by some unknown force, sail the seas in cursed galleons, spreading death in their wake. Ships disappear constantly, and marooned sailors weave tales of ghostly vessels who burn entire treasure fleets just to watch them sink. Something foul plagues the DARK CARIBBEAN...
Faction Relationships in The Dark Caribbean