PIRATE BORG Third Party License
Pirate Borg, like its big brother Mörk Borg, is built around community. You are encouraged to make your own pirates, ships, sea monsters, NPCs, classes, treasure maps, islands, adventures, one-shots, complete system hacks, random tables, and more. You can even use official Limithron art & maps for your projects (see below)!
So… want to make stuff for PIRATE BORG? Want to sell it for heaps of doubloons? Want to do it all without permission or fees from Limithron? DO IT! But you must follow these simple guidelines rules.
Pirate Borg Design Primer
A guideline document for making stuff using the Pirate Borg 3PP license. Includes writing and layout tips, a list of fonts used, and a collection of resources and URLs.
Please remember…
PIRATE BORG is a game about grog-swilling pirates, undead galleons, arcane treasures found in ancient temples, and high seas adventure. It’s not a game about slavery, sexual violence, genocide, or any of hundreds of other absolutely abhorrent real parts of our history. Please treat these topics with the respect they deserve, or leave them out of the game altogether and go hunt some skeletons.
1. You must adhere to the Mörk Borg Third Party License. This is their party; we’re just crashing it like pirates.
2. If you follow the terms outlined below you may publish and sell content based on Pirate Borg without express permission from Limithron LLC (though we’d love to hear about it!)
3. You may not use art or text directly from Limithron books. There are exceptions for creators signed up to the Patreon.
4. You may use and reference mechanics and rules (such as the Spirit ability and Naval Combat rules). In addition, you may use any of the locations, factions, or characters from the Dark Caribbean, the in-world setting for PIRATE BORG.
5. You can’t use the PIRATE BORG logo, the Limithron wizard cap logo, or the italicized Limithron name logo without permission.
Note: Patreon subscribers must use the Patreon | Limithron logo. See below.
6. You may use these logos, both on your final product and in your promotion. You may recolor them to match your project, but you may not edit their overall appearance or edit the aspect ratio. The download pack has white, black, and blood covered versions to get you started.
7. You can not make it seem like your product is a Limithron product, or that it is officially approved or sponsored by Limithron, or that it is an official PIRATE BORG release without prior written permission.
8. To the extent authorized by the laws of the State of Colorado, the licensee ( you) shall indemnify and hold Limithron LLC (Limithron) harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities and costs incurred by the licensee which directly or indirectly result from, or arise in connection with, any negligent act or omission of Limithron LLC, its agents, or employees, pertaining to its activities and obligations under this license.
9. Limithron LLC reserves the right to cancel this license, without explanation or warning, for any licensee deemed to be damaging Limithron’s brand or reputation.
10. Content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or derogatory towards marginalized groups has no place in PIRATE BORG. If you have a problem with this please contact us so we can make sure to give you the black spot.
11. You must legibly include the following in your product, and on your website or storefront where you advertise the sale of the product.
“[Product name] is an independent production by [Author or Publisher]. It is not affiliated with Limithron LLC. It is published under the PIRATE BORG Third Party License. PIRATE BORG is ©2022 Limithron LLC.”
Limithron Commercial Creator License
Limithron LLC is pleased to offer a Commercial Creator License so writers and creators can use Limithron maps, assets, and content in their projects without explicit permission or negotiation with us, though we do require notification of use. Our hope is that this will become a great resource for creators looking to make content and adventures for Pirate Borg or Limithron's Guide to Naval Combat!
Using Limithron Maps & Content in Commercial Products
This commercial license is available to all active Limithron Patreon subscribers. You can use any content that you have access to at your subscription level excluding any collaborations with other creators.
The license is granted to you for as long as you are an active Limithron Patreon subscriber.
Licensees are encouraged to stay subscribed and keep making content. There is no monthly limit to how many maps or illustrations you may use, but we request that you stay subscribed for the duration of the creative and primary marketing life of your project. You do not have to stay subscribed forever, and your use license is still applicable after you unsubscribe, but just be cool about it.
You can use Limithron’s maps, assets, props, and DungeonDraft tools to create your own maps, but you may not use these assets in combination with other creators’ assets without permission.
Attribution. You must include my name in the credits and link to my website: “Maps by Luke Stratton | Limithron.com” or “Map Assets by Luke Stratton | Limithron.” I appreciate callouts on the page where the map is used beneath or beside the map, but this is not required. I understand this might not result in a professional layout. Example: “Get the full-size version of this map at Limithron.com”.
You must include the Limithron watermark on all maps & map creations. Both black and white files are provided below. The watermark must be clearly displayed in one of the corners of the map. It must be at least 2 inches wide in print or about ¼ of the width of the map. The aspect ratio and color may not be altered, and you may not reduce it below 50% transparency.
No high-res downloads. Maps and content may be used for reference in your printed projects and for 300dpi digital PDFs, but you may not include the full-res maps or assets as part of a ZIP file or map pack. For example, if you write an adventure for the Nautiloid, you can include a full page, watermarked version of it in your PDF, but you can’t provide the high res files for VTT use as part of your package. Contact me for licensing info for distributing maps that you have created with my assets (like with DungeonDraft).
You may use any of the assets or tokens provided on my Patreon (excluding any content made by another creator as part of a collab), including the Prop Emporium or DungeonDraft packs, but only in conjunction with other Limithron maps & assets.
Notification of Use: Please let me know when you are using my content commercially by sending me an email at luke@limithron.com or on Discord: Limithron#1606
You may mashup, edit, and alter maps & assets, but I request that you run the final creation by me (I just want to make sure it doesn’t look terrible). Once trust has been established this won’t be a requirement.
You may freely reference Limithron’s Guide to Naval Combat as needed, and you may include the free PDF as part of your digital files. Print rights are reserved though.
You may reference any mechanics, rules, locations, monsters, and NPCs from PIRATE BORG. PIRATE BORG projects are not required to include Limithron watermarks on maps! See info on the Pirate Borg 3rd Party License (above).
Restrictions on Use
Limithron maps and content are intended for use in adventures and supplements. The following restrictions apply:
1000 word minimum.
No repackaging and reselling as map or asset packs.
Cropping, editing, recoloring, and mashups of finished maps must be approved by me. Maps made with assets or DungeonDraft do not require permission.
It can not appear that your project is an official Limithron release or that it is endorsed by me.
You can not use my content for T-shirts, posters, or other products out of the scope of this license.
I reserve the right to cancel this license, without refund, at any time for creators I deem to be damaging to my brand or reputation, or that I deem offensive or immoral. This includes but is not limited to any projects promoting racism, homophobia, bigotry, sexism, etc.
Virtual Table Top (VTT) Use
I encourage content creators to use high resolution Limithron maps & assets in their Foundry and Roll20 content releases, but that use is not covered in this Patreon Commercial Tier License. Contact me directly for details. A typical agreement for short adventures is a 50/50 revenue split, but this is negotiable (for example, a large adventure with only one Limithron map).
Further Use
This blanket license is intentionally restrictive. Feel free to contact me directly to discuss use of my content without watermarks, at full resolution, etc. Please include a flat sum or profit sharing offer in your message.
You can contact me at luke@limithron.com, on Discord at Limithron#1606, or through the Patreon messaging system.